Originally Posted by kevcj
Allow me to add this to that recaptcha discussion - I run 4 forums, 2 - vbulletin and 2 - SMF. 3 of the 4 forums were getting slammed everyday with 4, 5, 6 and more spam bots every day. All three forums were using captcha with email verification. Once I set up ReCaptcha, the spam stopped right then. Instead of each forum getting 4, 5 or 6 spam bots a day, in the past month one forum has had 2 spammers sign up.
I disagree with your statement -
I have seen the side by side effects of ReCaptcha on VBulletin and SMF. And on both forums the program was very effective in stopping spam.
Totally agree. I had 50 spammers sign up per day back at the end of sept/start of oct - installed recapcha and haven't had one since.