Originally Posted by Lustikus
we got a big problem with th hide hack, it also affects our normal Clanpage NOT only the forum !
so, pls Panic Vision contact me to help us out (we need to add a subdomain or the normal Domain to the license file) but we cant do it ourself.
and theres no chance to contact you.....
ive payd for the mod and want to use it and not destroy or rebuild our complete structure of the website only for this hack to work.
thank you....
It would be helpful to know the exact error you're getting.
Originally Posted by invitezone
i uninstalled this mod...now im getting a mysql table error when i try to hard delete posts because its still looking for the table...  i tried to put this mod back in and i still get the same error.
To remove sql errors, undo all file modifications that you did during installatoin.
Originally Posted by Aclikyano
gettin this error when tryin 2 go to USER CP on my board
anyone can help please?
Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 408
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT thanks.dateline, thread.title, post.postid, user.userid, user.username
FROM thanks as thanks
LEFT JOIN post as post ON (post.postid = thanks.postid)
LEFT JOIN thread as thread ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid)
LEFT JOIN user as user ON (user.userid = thanks.userid)
WHERE post.userid = 3
ORDER BY thanks.dateline DESC LIMIT 10;
MySQL Error : Got error 127 from storage engine
Error Number : 1030
Request Date : Sunday, January 11th 2009 @ 12:13:10 PM
Error Date : Sunday, January 11th 2009 @ 12:13:12 PM
Script : http://mydomain.com/forums/usercp.php
Referrer : http://mydomain.com/forums/index.php
IP Address : My IP
Username : My SN
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22-standard
I would guess that this error has to do with insufficient sql memory?.. I don't know, please contact your host. You can also try to repair/optimize (both) the thanks table via phpmyadmin and see if that helps.
3.8.0: The hack was last released for 3.7.x, so naturally it may or may not work with 3.8.0. I'd try it on a test installation first if I were you and then tell everyone else whether it works, but I am actually going to update this at some points to work with 3.8.0 at which point I'll send out a notification in some way.