I have one bug and one suggestion to report.
Bug: when the mod processes an email with an attachment it computes the attachmentid incorrectly. The one I was just looking at was off by 4. The attachment also does not have the proper thumbnail in the post on the message board. However, if you click on the pseudo-url it does get translated to the actual attachmentid.
Suggestion: In an active discussion, the ability of users to edit a post creates a situation where different material goes out in the email than is on the message board. When a user is composing his email reply he sees the unedited post, but everyone else sees the edited version when the software processes the post and generates the next email.
If possible, the mod should check the time of the post and the board edit time limit then delay sending out the post for that period. Alternatively, it could check the editable status of the post and delay sending the email until the post is no longer editable.
That will cover everything except edits by admins and moderators. I don't see any solution for that without a lot of work to generated another "corrected" email with a suitable format to show that it is a previous one that has been edited. This problem also exists on Yahoo Groups if the list owner edits the on-line archive to remove bad stuff.
I am currently running 3.7.3 pl 1