Originally Posted by ray-
Wow, awesome mod. I'll install it as soon as 3.8 final has been released.
If I'm not mistaken, a topic is tagged 'live' depending on it's creation time.
Would it be possible to tag it depending on the time of the last reply? No idea how intensive this process is and if my server would like it when every topic is being tagged as live for x minutes, but I have for instance a slowchat-topic where people enter random crap. The topic has been created a while ago, but it's been excessively used. Would be a shame if the mod isn't being put to use in such a topic.
no its based on last reply
there's a few failsafes to keep server load fine.
+ user needs to be on last page
+ topic needs to be recently posted in
+ user needs to actually be active on the page and not idle