Originally Posted by zippys
Hi, Atitude5ire
I wanted to adjust -specifically- the "last post" column on the forumhome (index.php) page. It seems to be very large for some reason. Im using the non-fixed width version. When i click into the forum i was able to change the column width of "last post" by going into the "forumhome_fourmbit_level1_nopost" template. but I dont know where to edit the main page one.
You an adjust the size from the same template for forumhome..
to change it for 2nd level forum you prolly need to go to forumdisplay
Originally Posted by King Kovifor
This may sound dumb, but I was using Photoshop to edit the header image so I could get my own... But I cannot for the life of me get the colors to match... This is the SECOND time I cannot get a styles header to match... Can you tell me how you save it and what settings you use (as I have check in PS, the colors are the same before I save them)?
Uhm thats kinda strange the PSD file iv attached has pretty exact colors and also sliced. Are you saving the file as jpeg by using 'save as' try save for web option and save as a gif. cos iv never had this complaint.. ofcourse if your logo still differs the header.. you can also change the header repeating image to match logo.