Originally Posted by Lynne
Yes, try the same edit to the link in the phrases that you did for the template. I think it will work, but I guess you can test it and see.
edit: Nice forum. When you get more comfortable with vbulletin, it might be fun to change the banner based on what 'city' you are in. Find an image of the skyline for each city and incorporate that. Just a thought.
I found:
Varname $vbphrase[searchnoresults_getnew]
Text Sorry, there are no new threads to view.<br /><br /> You may search for threads updated during the previous 24 hours, <a href="search.php?{1}do=getdaily">here</a>.
So, if I change it to:
Sorry, there are no new threads to view.<br /><br /> You may search for threads updated during the previous 24 hours, <a href="search.php?{1}do=getdaily&exclude=xx,xx, xx,xx,xx">here</a>.
That should work? I'll give it a go!
Yeah, I've thought about embedding a graphic that changes by city, in the top right area of the Header, but I don't have a clue as to how to even start on that...
I imagine a directory of cities containing the images. Then code it to alter the image according to the city chosen. The coding is where I'm lost...as you know!
I'll keep leaning. Once again, thanks!
EDIT: I just tried it and it worked perfectly! You've done it again! (Now tell me how to do those graphics....hehe)