gettin this error when tryin 2 go to USER CP on my board
anyone can help please?
Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in
[path]/includes/class_core.php on line
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT thanks.dateline, thread.title, post.postid, user.userid, user.username
FROM thanks as thanks
LEFT JOIN post as post ON (post.postid = thanks.postid)
LEFT JOIN thread as thread ON (thread.threadid = post.threadid)
LEFT JOIN user as user ON (user.userid = thanks.userid)
WHERE post.userid = 3
ORDER BY thanks.dateline DESC LIMIT 10;
MySQL Error : Got error 127 from storage engine
Error Number : 1030
Request Date : Sunday, January 11th 2009 @ 12:13:10 PM
Error Date : Sunday, January 11th 2009 @ 12:13:12 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : My IP
Username : My SN
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22-standard