Can I request something new for the "Show Stats in Postbit" feature? Can we have ranks based on the ladders? Maybe look at their ladder scores, take the highest of all their scores, and then display the ranking? When a person's ladder score is updated, it should compare their new score, with their other ladder scores, and then take the highest score and extract the determined rank. Then place the rank in the User's table; to be displayed in the postbit and userinfo pages.
I use the Go/Shogi rankings on my forums...
- Unranked - 0-99
- 20 Kyu - 100-199
- 19 Kyu - 200-299
- 18 Kyu - 300-399
- 17 Kyu - 400-499
- 16 Kyu - 500-599
- 15 Kyu - 600-699
- 14 Kyu - 700-799
- 13 Kyu - 800-899
- 12 Kyu - 900-999
- 11 Kyu - 1000-1099
- 10 Kyu - 1100-1199
- 9 Kyu - 1200-1299
- 8 Kyu - 1300-1399
- 7 Kyu - 1400-1499
- 6 Kyu - 1500-1599
- 5 Kyu - 1600-1699
- 4 Kyu - 1700-1799
- 3 Kyu - 1800-1899
- 2 Kyu - 1900-1999
- 1 Kyu - 2000-2099
- 1 Dan - 2100-2199
- 2 Dan - 2200-2299
- 3 Dan - 2300-2399
- 4 Dan - 2400-2499
- 5 Dan - 2500-2599
- 6 Dan - 2600-2699
- 7 Dan - 2700-2799
- 8 Dan - 2800-2899
- 9 Dan - 2900-2999