i can answer you on both situations in your reply there...
a: even if IB claim they have no way to use that information at their own profit, they do. they have a deal with Google to release this engine on vBulletin... the deal is simple: "we release an integration, you help us spread the word" ... if ANY IB guy will say the opposite, i will have to spread the word myself that they lie -- for one reason, All of Google DEALS are made the same way, i know about it, i dealth with Google a lot of times on vBlog, Wordpress and some other scripts.
b: they announce it's a deal with Google to have an integration, it's indicated in the announcement. Why in hell would they work with the guys at Google if the script itself is a 3 lines script that was released on vb.org about 3 years ago ?!... they have to make commercial agreements. Jelsoft never copied a hack for no reason.