Originally Posted by Phalynx
Just a short note: SocialForums 2.0 is now in work. It will work only with vBulletin 3.8 and replace it's Discussions.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Originally Posted by Phalynx
Please tell me what you are expecting from this, f.e. new features.
Perhaps this is already possible and I just can't find it. Presently, we place all SF forums in a parent "Groups" forum that has a forced skin assignment (different from the regular non-group forums). It would be very useful if all the SF forums would inherit that "forced" skin. So a control in the SF Config such as "New forums automatically inherit Parent forum skin assignment? [ ] yes" would be wonderful!
Less important, but requiring non-trivial code:
The ability for a member to select a forum assignment for his new SF. That is, we have about a dozen "sub-category" forums to hold the member-created group forums. We'd like to allow the member to select the best match during the SF forum creation process. I imagine a control in the SF Config such as "SF creator-selectable parent forum assignments [ ]" with a text box that accepts a csv list of forum IDs would be necessary in the config panel and a drop down list of category names for the SF forum creator to select from.
"Groups" Forum set up as a category (parent forum)
-- Subgroup category A
---- SocialForum A1 run by member "XYZ"
---- SocialForum A2 run by member "Abc"
-- Subgroup category B
---- SocialForum B1 run by member "123"
---- SocialForum B2 run by member "asdf"
---- SocialForum B3 run by member "999"
-- Subgroup category C
---- SocialForum C1 run by member "XYZ"
---- SocialForum C2 run by member "jkl"
Other minor ideas/suggestions:- Help pop-ups for all SF config options
- An option for "Show X threads" to enable "All"
- "Parent forum" description suggestion: "All newly created social forums are placed here."