We did it. Our very first links!
How exciting.
Thank you TimberFloorAu. Questions for you or anyone else in a position to comment please. The above was difficult enough and we're talking it was time to uncork the bubbly. We are going to move to vB 3.8 at some point in time for the enhanced security. That TEDS is an add-on, right? Should people like us who are nothing more than a bunch of scientists out to build a site to offer educational materials be playing around with any more add ons than what is absolutely necessary? Sincere question as we don't quite know all that the add-ons we have do as of yet and I believe we have about five. There are a total of ten of us. Only five are active at the site and the rest aren't even members but lurk and watch to get a feel for the types of materials (lesson plans, power point presentations, articles, etc.) to create to offer to educators in the future but they also lurk online reading threads like this. We see an awful lot of add-ons that aren't updated to new vB versions and a lot of designers who disappear leaving them unsupported and vB isn't exactly incorporating these add-ons into their base software. We're concerned about migrating to vB 3.8 and getting stuck with a bunch of add-ons/hacks that aren't supported, don't function, or aren't compatible with the new version. We believe we would be up the creek without the proverbial paddle were that to happen to us. Are our concerns unwarranted?