For those that can't get it to work, if you go to admin>>Plugins & Products>>Plugin Manager (Not Manage Products)>>Profile List (found under "Product : FH Profile List">>Edit then change Hook Location from "forumhome_start" to "global_start"
Now a disclaimer: Do these steps at your own risk because I try things to make it work and it's working for me. I'm not a coder or a programmer only a wannbe though I do consider myself a decent web designer. I'm a photographer and published author. I've done about 80% of the work on my sites and I do it by trial and error. I've learned some simple lessons the hard way, make back-ups first (files on the server too, before you download and play), when it don't work, play with it, one step at a time.
If there is a coder that can verify that it's OK to change the hook-locations, please do, as it worked for a site I'm working on right now where I put it in the header, not the forum home template.
Thanks, hope it helps someone out there, rg sends!