- What about displaying Ads after X Posts, at Footer, at navbar? Center?
- What about random Ads at the same Place, automatic Refresh Ads after X Seconds or Minutes?
- Priority of displaying a Ad?
- Maximum show of a Ad per Day, Week, Month ....?
- What about Fullscreen Ad after X Clicks/Threads/Postings?
- What about displaying Ads at Archive?
- What about count Clicks?
Need more Information. If i watch the Screenshots it seems not one of this Features are build in yet. Am i blind? If they are all missing every other AdManagement miss your nice Extrafunctions but the others allready have this more important Basicfunctions of a AdSystem.
Sorry, absolutely nice try so far but unusable for installing and using this yet at this Point of Development.
Hope there will be a final Release soon. Then it would be perfect.
