Futher more,
After a purchase user is REQUIRED to enter a valid URL,
which is not that great if the products you intend to sell
arent for website use. should be optional for AdminCP.
Also There is no overview of sales, or costumers for admin,
dont know if that is present in the "pro" product but it is
not present in the lite, or more like a demo.
so in short 3 things im missing before i would buy Members area
- Status / overview / csotumer overview
- Additional AdminCP options, suchs as variable's (links to support)
- Checkmark required information for a purchase.
and after purchase member needs to go back to the forum or mail
to find the userid and password and have to copy paste them into
the forum before actually able to download the "software"
But i still highly recommend "members area 2.0" to anyone asking for
purchasing system for vbulletin. just missing those few points.
howewer if someone could confirm they are in pro ?
well then.. :up::up::up::up::up: