Other Error/Bug When Clicking on the Tags:
I've Indicated the TABLE_PREFIX as "
Perhaps there is something on the Code that isn't taking in Consideration the Table Prefixes in some cases that it should? (I think that SQL is on the videotag.php File)
I Hope you can Fix those Tag Bugs,
My Best Regards.
Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(video.videoid) AS count FROM prefixtable-video
INNER JOIN prefixtable-videotagvideo AS videotagvideo ON
(videotagvideo.tagid = 2 AND videotagvideo.videoid = video.videoid)
WHERE videotagvideo.tagid = '2' AND video.videocategoryid IN(0,1,6,2,4,3,5);
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'video.videoid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Wednesday, January 7th 2009 @ 03:14:47 PM
Error Date : Wednesday, January 7th 2009 @ 03:14:48 PM
Script : http://ZZZ/video.php?do=viewtag&tag=commercial
Referrer : http://ZZZ/video.php
IP Address : ZZZ
Username : ZZZ
Classname : prefixtable-Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-community