Since noone seems to be contributing real fixes to this, I will explain in a bit of detail how to go about making changes to this "correctly". I'll use two examples, level changes (non-hack way as opposed to what is suggested above), and adding "Death Knight".
- Adding new levels to the dropdown
- Part ONE : Modifying the plugin code
- Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager
- Click on [Edit] next to your formname under the Elricstorm product
- Find the following line:
$dropdownchoice270 = "70";
- Add the following after:
$dropdownchoice271 = "71";
$dropdownchoice272 = "72";
$dropdownchoice273 = "73";
$dropdownchoice274 = "74";
$dropdownchoice275 = "75";
$dropdownchoice276 = "76";
$dropdownchoice277 = "77";
$dropdownchoice278 = "78";
$dropdownchoice279 = "79";
$dropdownchoice280 = "80";
- Please note, NEW values are used in this example, unlike the example a few posts up. For those new to this... its important that variable names here are unique.
- Part TWO - Adding in phrases
- Ok, in this case, we can skip this step since we didn't add any new phrases in. Proceed below...
- Part THREE - Modify the template
- Styles & Templates -> Style Manager
- In your style, select 'Edit Templates'
- Scroll to the bottom, find 'wow_form', double_click
- Find the following block:
<option value="$dropdownchoice270" <if condition="$dropdownchoice270 == $dropdownanswer2">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice270</option>
- After it, add in a similar line for every level above 70 you're adding. For example, to add in level 71, you'd put in:
<option value="$dropdownchoice271" <if condition="$dropdownchoice271 == $dropdownanswer2">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice271</option>
- Adding the Death Knight Class
- Part ONE : Modifying the plugin code
- Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager
- Click on [Edit] next to your formname under the Elricstorm product
- Find the following line:
$dropdownchoice1i = $vbphrase[wow_form_warrior];
- After it, add the following:
$dropdownchoice1j = $vbphrase[wow_form_deathknight];
- Note, that in THIS case, the new variable is incremented using a letter instead of a number (dropdownchoice1j) AND we *are*, in fact, using a new phrase (wow_form_deathknight)
- Part TWO - Add the new phrase(s)
- Languages & Phrases -> Phrase Manager
- "Add New Phrase" button
Phrase Type : GLOBAL
Product : Elricstorm's World of Warcraft Recruitment Form
Varname : wow_form_deathknight
Text : Death Knight
- Note that in the above example, the "Varname" *MUST* match the new vbphrase that you added above
- Click "Save"
- Part THREE - Modify the template
- Styles & Templates -> Style Manager
- In your style, select 'Edit Templates'
- Scroll to the bottom, find 'wow_form', double_click
- Find the following block:
<option value="$dropdownchoice1i" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1i == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1i</option>
- After it, add:
<option value="$dropdownchoice1j" <if condition="$dropdownchoice1j == $dropdownanswer1">selected="selected"</if>>$dropdownchoice1j</option>
- Note that the block you're searching for will contain the variable name we added in the above step (Modifying the code), namely 'dropdownchoice1i'
- Save
The above method(s) can be used for adding other fields as well, including Inscription or whatever else. I leave those examples as an exercise to the reader.
PS - No offense meant to other submitted fixes... they just weren't working.