Originally Posted by Solo Drakban
I've finally installed this mod and I love it, very nice. I just have one question, is it possible to make the AME content honor the user's image settings? Currently if a user has images off all [img] tags are reverted to URLs but any content embedded by AME remains.
Since it doesn't use the IMG tags, it wouldn't be affected by that setting. You could try changing the
Replacement HTML for image definitions with BBCode, but I've not tried this and don't know for sure if it would work. I'm thinking it would just post BBCode as text and unparsed. Then there's the fact that this is lighter than BBCode and you'd kind of be regressing.
Originally Posted by Finger78
Not sure why, but it seems to work now, I didnt change any settings from last night. My only guess is that it had something to do with the quick reply feature?
Anyway, all seems ok now, thanks again.
Shouldn't have affected the way the link was parsed, but it's possible it had something to do with the cache.