8 characters with numbers and symbols and uppercase/lowercase letters in it.
From a Password Security PDF file I have - this is from 2005:
The time to crack/hack passwords with respect to the password length and its complexity. The search speed supposedly equals 100,000 passwords per second (a very decent speed).
First column: Password length /charset
Second column:26 (no case, letters only)
Third column:36 (no case, letters & digits)
Fourth column:52 (case sensitive)
Fifth column:96 (all printable)
4 0 0 1 min 13 min
5 0 10 min 1 hr 22 hr
6 50 minutes 6 hrs 2.2 days 3 months
7 22 hrs 9 days 4 months 23 yrs
8 24 days 10.5 months 17 yrs 2,287 yrs
9 21 months 32.6 yrs 881 yrs 219,000 yrs
10 45 yrs 1,159 yrs 45,838 yrs 21 million yrs