Alright. I have just reread your post and I'm actually wondering exactly what you meant. Did you mean that there was a detection of matching IP addresses, but the IP addresses didn't actually match? If so, prep and run this SQL:
SELECT userid
FROM %table_prefix%user
WHERE ipaddress = '%problem_ip%'
Be sure to replace the %table_prefix% with the table prefix (like 'vb_' or 'vbulletin_' or something else) that your database uses for vBulletin. Replace %problem_ip% with the IP address that was reported as the matching IP address.
After you run it, you should get 2 results if it's actually working properly.
If you meant that you wanted it to catch the incident, but it didn't, then there's not much that I can do for that. The entire IP address of everyone is checked because there can be hundreds of people that have a matching first three numbers (i.e. could be the same person as, but it could also be someone else entirely). Checking only the first three numbers would make for a lot of false positives over the years.