Okay gang, here's your first set of updates for 2009. The Local Hosted ZIP has been added to this thread (though, not all will use the global sizing variables) and the individual XML files are available as well in DJ's AMEs.zip. You, however, don't have to go through those files if you've already had these imported. I've created an update ZIP or XML file for your convenience.
**Internal Linking
You may notice the new set of defs towards the top of your list called Internal Linking. This set is entirely optional, of course, but will auto convert internal links using the info between your forum's <title></title> tags. It will also add a small image to the start of the tag based on your forums favicon image. (NOTE: If no favicon shows up, make a copy of the favicon in your website's root directory and add it to your forum's root directory)
This set includes defs that will convert Threads, Posts, Forums and Categories, as well as auto format a link to a member's profile page with their User Name. (The member link doesn't include a favicon image. You can add it if you want.)
This has not been thoroughly tested on a forum other then my own. So give me some feedback on if you like it or not. It also has not been optimized for people running SEOs of some kind. If you want support for your SEO you need to send me a link to your forum as well as let me know what SEO modification your running.
AllPosters (Thumbnails) et.al.
This set will convert almost all product links form AllPosters.com into thumbnails like the Amazon and CafePress definitions. There's very few products that will not convert, and these appear to be only frames, or anything that's been framed.
Also note that you can use your own affiliate ID with AllPosters if you have one just by replacing the three instances of mine in the
Replacement HTML. Or you can leave it. Again, won't hurt my feelings.
I'm not sure what this site's about, but I think it has something to do with botany.
Google (Search Results) (Let Me Google That For You)
Two new defs for Google include one that will convert search result links into a shorter formatted Google link.
And a humorous one that will convert links into a redirect to LetMeGoogleThatForYou.com
Let Me Google That For You definition is a variation on
the one created by Vitaly.
There's two icons available, the old Google favicon
Attachment 91863 and the new one
Attachment 91862. Save them to your
images/misc directory. It uses the new icon by default, but you can change the definition to the old one just by changing the
Replacement HTML image source from
_new to
Imeem (Photos)
Didn't realize this site had embeddable photos, so here's a small def to correct that oversight.
Wikipedia (Links)
Here's a handy definition for auto converting Wikepdia links with a little icon at the front. Save this image to your
images/misc directory.
Attachment 91864
YouTube (HQ/HD)
By now you should all know what this is as often as it's been requested. This will embed High Def and High Quality YouTube videos based on the URL. Most of you already know to add the special string of characters to the end of the URL when you want to link to it. However, for these to convert, you'll need to add the string after the watch?, before the v=, like so:
This is the concession I had to make just to get HD and HQ videos to work with AME. Remember that this will only work if a corresponding HQ/HD video for a given URL exists. Here's the code you need for each type of video:
High Def: fmt=22&
High Quality:fmt=18&
The following defs where updated mostly because of code changes by the supported sites.
Imeem (Music)
Imeem (Videos)
Somewhere along the way, the Full Screen option disappeared from this definition. I've worked it back in along with a new feature. Deep Linking. Sounds like something you'd get from the back end of the video store, right? Not in this case. Deep linking is YouTube's relatively new ability to jump to a fixed time frame inside a video. In order to do this, append the URL of your YouTube video with #t=XXs where XX is the number of seconds into the video you want to jump. (NOTE: I know some of you already know of this, but what's different here is that you cannot use minutes and seconds in the URL. You have to use seconds only, so you'll have to do just a little head math.)
As always, the updates have been added to the Main ZIP and the Master XML. But you can download them here absolutely free!.
And that's all! Hope you all enjoy!