heh, yes it works but not like before where i could use iframe wrapper
before i could load up page like
http://www.domain.com/chat and the chat room would load up inside the page i did this by using the link
http://www.domain.com/forums/chat/flashchat.php for the iframe wrapper
but now i cant use
http://www.domain.com/forums/chat/flashchat.php well i can but if i do the autologin doesn't work
i can use
http://www.domain.com/forums/misc.ph...ashchat&room=1 and the auto login works but the chat room doesn't display in page properly now. makes no different if i change the width/height of the iframe wrapper either
with the new updated chat everytime i load
http://www.domain.com/chat it shows the website header etc etc
the old version worked fine with iframe wrapper