This is a welcome new user and post in thread by
I changed it so it work on 3.8
Change the The Red Parts to suit
// Setup Variables change to match your forum
$forumid =
30; // The forum id that you want the thread posted in
$postuserid =
1; // The Userid of the poster
$postusername = "
Username"; // Enter the username of the poster
$title = "
We Welcome $userinfo[username] "; // The thread title
Make Template called " welcome_thread "
Welcome $username
First, introduce yourself. We're a friendly bunch and we welcome newcomers to the Forum.
If you have a problem figuring out how to use a forum feature, check out the FAQ. Your question may already be answered.
If you still need help ask any member
We talk about pop culture, hobbies, raising kids, getting ahead at work, and just about anything else friends talk about around the water cooler.
So just enjoy your stay
Note: it is a plugin not product