01-05-2009, 11:24 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 1,160
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================================================== =========
Version 1.3.0
================================================== =========- Add Video page now has an option to auto-create threads for videos.
- To use this function, you must first select a forum in the settings.
- If auto-created, Add Video forwards to the thread, not the video.
- Add Video page now has a drop-down list for upload categories.
- Add Video button is now on ALL pages, and will remember categories.
- Video details now support AJAX for commenting, deleting and pagination.
- Toolbar functions have been removed from the comment quick reply form.
- SHELL_SIDE will now relocate itself depending on HD or non-HD videos.
- Thread creation for Add Video and Report Video have been revamped.
- BUG FIX: Fixed uncached templates for user video pages.
- BUG FIX: Fixed permission problems with recent videos page.
- BUG FIX: Fixed YouTube constructs for YouTube's new embed codes.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.5: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- upload/video.php
- upload/video_ajax.php
- clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_videocomment.js
- includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
- includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.2.5: (make sure you revert these templates!)
- video_add
- video_category
- video_commentbit
- video_details
- video_edit
================================================== =========
Version 1.2.5
================================================== =========- Added "Recent Videos" summary page. A page JUST for recent videos!
- Added a "Watch Random Video" function. This is done with ?do=random.
- Added the ability to set the location of the sidebar from left to right.
- Added the ability to set the location of the cloud from top to bottom.
- Added the "Videos in profile block" function for profile videos!
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.4: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.2.4: (make sure you revert these templates!)
- video_home
- video_profile
- video_profile_bit
- video_recent
- video_user
================================================== =========
Version 1.2.4
================================================== =========- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.3: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- You MUST remember to re-import all of your video hosters after upgrading.
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-MegaVideo.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Veoh.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Vimeo.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-VimeoHD.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
================================================== =========
Version 1.2.3
================================================== =========- You can now sort category, user and tag listings based on Dateline, Title and Ratings...
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.2: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- upload/video.php
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Veoh.xml
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.2.2: (make sure you revert these templates!)
- video_bit
- video_bit_more
- video_category
- video_home
- video_tag
- video_user
================================================== =========
Version 1.2.2
================================================== =========- Changed the way the video taglists are called on the summary pages...
- Taglists are now cached! This will save your server from being overloaded.
- The summary taglist cache is rebuild on every video details view.
- More miscellaneous changes to video hosters... Added support for VEOH as a Video Hoster.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.1: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- upload/video.php
- upload/includes/class_dm_video.php
- upload/includes/functions_videodirectory.php
- upload/includes/functions_videotags.php
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Veoh.xml
================================================== =========
Version 1.2.1
================================================== =========- Changed the way certain video hoster setting options work.
- These options are now global options, instead of being individual to each hoster.
- There is now a new "Video detail settings" menu in your Admin Control Panel.
- This change was made so that I could support a plugin based [VIDEO] BB code.
- You MUST remember to re-import all of your video hosters after upgrading.
- Added support for plugin based [VIDEO] and [VIDEO=XXX] bbcodes!.
- There is an option in the general settings to enable or disable these video tags.
- If enabled, users will be able to embed videos from the video directory in their posts.
- There are no permission checks on this; if a video is embedded, ANYONE can see it.
- If you enable video bbcodes, they will replace the existing bb codes in video details.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- upload/video.php
- upload/includes/functions_videodirectory.php
- upload/includes/xml/cpnav_videodirectory.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.2.0: (make sure you revert these templates!)
- NEW: video_bbcode
- some random plugin changes...
================================================== =========
Version 1.2.0
================================================== =========- Extended support for RSS Feeds and tagging while viewing video details.
- Now when you few video details, ALL tag RSS feeds will be selectable.
- Added the option to turn off text fields for URL, BB Codes and Embed Codes.
- These settings are in the settings of each individual video-hoster xml file.
- Because of this, you MUST upgrade all your video-hosters to the 1.2.0 version.
- No video-hosters prior to version 1.2.0 will function with this version.
- You MUST remember to re-import all of your video hosters after upgrading.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.9: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- upload/video.php
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.9: (make sure you revert these templates!)
- video_details
================================================== =========
Version 1.1.9
================================================== =========- Added support for navlinks in the COMMUNITY LINKS in vBulletin 3.8.0
- Some plugins have changed for this release.
- Added support for individual RSS feeds for Categories, Users and Tags
- You can now subscribe to individual feeds for categories, users and tags
- Both users and categories are sorted in the filter if you use IE for RSS.
- Firefox does not use the filter, so if you use FF, you wont see this.
- Unregistered must have "Can view video-directory" permission for RSS to work.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.8: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- upload/video.php
- upload/includes/functions_videodirectory.php
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.8: (make sure you revert these templates!)
================================================== =========
Version 1.1.8
================================================== =========- BUG FIX: fixed DOM retrieval errors in Mozilla Firefox...
- Firefox will now correctly retrieve timelength and keyword information
- Thanks logicuk for informing me about this problem.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.7: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- Just re-upload the ENTIRE /upload/ directory.
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.7: (make sure you revert these templates!)
- Just re-vert all of your Video Directory templates!
================================================== =========
Version 1.1.7
================================================== =========- BUG FIX:
- Upgrades no longer try to re-install the hosters; it was causing problems.
- Fixed incompatibilities with the admin control panel and VBSEO.
- Added an option to allow or disallow the retrieving of Tags/Keywords from an API.
- Added fully working API from Dailymotion that now supports keywords and timecodes.
- Added fully working API from Metacafe that now supports keywords and timecodes.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.6: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- DELETE upload/video.php
- upload/video_admin.php
- upload/clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_videodirectory.js
- upload/includes/xml/cpnav_videodirectory.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Dailymotion.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-Metacafe.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTube.xml
- upload/includes/xml/videohoster-YouTubeHD.xml
- upload/videothumbnails/Dailymotion (CHMOD to 777)
- upload/videothumbnails/Metacafe (CHMOD to 777)
- TEMPLATE EDITS SINCE 1.1.6: (make sure you revert these templates!)
================================================== =========
Version 1.1.6
================================================== =========This update is mostly a series of bug fixes. ================================================== =========
Version 1.1.5
================================================== =========- Added support for the editing of timecodes for video_add and video_edit.
- You MUST revert these two templates or timecodes will fail to edit.
- BUG FIX: Fixed "invalid level field" error for new installations.
- BUG FIX: Fixed "table_prefix" error for upgrade installations.
- BUG FIX: Fixed "tag cloud" error for directories with empty clouds.
- FILE EDITS SINCE 1.1.4: (make sure you upload these new versions!)
- upload/video.php
- upload/clientscript/vbulletin_ajax_videodirectory.js
- upload/includes/functions_videotags.php
================================================== =========
Version 1.1.4
================================================== =========- Added a setting for an announcement on the landing page (video_home).
- Added support for avatars in the comment bits; also cleaned up the formatting.
- Added fields for the duration length of videos from YouTube.
- This value is stored in seconds in the database.
- When you add a video, this information will be retrieved automatically.
- Older videos must be edited manually from within the database.
- Added support for control panel handling the tagging system.
- You can now create and delete tags through the admin CP.
- Added video preview on the add video page that shows when you click retrieve.
- Changed the way category levels are handled; there is no longer a sub template.
- The level is handled through a simple if statement in the catbits.
- BUG FIX: Now when you delete a video, it now properly deletes the thumbnail.
================================================== =========
Version 1.1.3
================================================== =========- Added support for a tagging system and tag cloud!
- Anyone who can edit a video can now add tags to that video.
- A tag cloud is also constructed dynamicly on the home page.
- The tag cloud does NOT have a tag search caching system...
- When adding a video, it retrieves keywords from the service.
- The tagging system is configurable with its on option screen
- YouTube XML files now have settings for autoplay, fullscreen and related options.
- Added a usergroup permission for watching videos. (NOTE: OFF BY DEFAULT!)
- Unless a usergroup has this permission, they can not watch any videos.
- They may still be able to browse the video directory, just not watch.
- BUG FIX: videos from disallowed categories are now properly hidden on user pages.
- BUG FIX: videos from disallowed categories are now properly hidden on tag pages.
- BUG FIX: videos from disallowed categories are now properly hidden on small bits.
================================================== =========
Version 1.1.2
================================================== =========- Changed the way the YouTubeHD handles the recognition of high definition urls.
- Simply change the HTTP in your youtube link to HDEF!
- This will signify an HD YouTube video instead of an SD YouTube video.
- Marking an SD only video as HD, will break the video playback.
- Added support for multi-column video listings.
- You can now define a number of columns for your listing pages.
- If you define 1 column, the preview continues to call on video_bit.
- If you define more than 1 column, the preview calls on video_bit_more.
- Added length of preview title; so you can restrict length with ellipses.
- Changed templates to define max overflows for information fields in video bits.
- <div class="smallfont" style="max-height: 13px; overflow: hidden;">
- <div class="smallfont" style="max-height: 52px; overflow: hidden;">
- This guarantees your tables never overflow because of text lengths.
- BUG FIX: the homepage now properly calls up the top rated construct.
- BUG FIX: search results now properly call up the videosperpage value.
================================================== =========
Version 1.1.1
================================================== =========- Added basic support for SEO slugs. To enable SEO slugs, uncomment out the line:
// define('SEO_ENABLED', true);
in upload/video.php
- Enabling the SEO slug is NOT for people with vbSEO, you dont need it.
- The required apache rewrite rules are in htaccess.txt.
- BUG: Enabling the SEO slug will inherintly break the Who's Online recognition.
- BUG: The &page= variable in the SEO slug is not properly optimized.
- Added support for videocategory leveling. This is not a sub-category system.
- The level simply implies the indent level of a category.
- This makes it LOOK like categories are sub-categories, when they arent.
- Added support for video listings based on contributor user accounts.
- Clicking on a username will bring a view to all videos by that user.
- Created "video_details_embed" to move embedded videos above the shell.
- This gives more space to high definition video services.
- "Random" and "Best Reated" listing options have been removed from video_details.
- These searches are now delegated to only home/category/user/tag listings.
- The "Related Videos" listing option has remained intact on video_details.
- Added support for High Definition notation in video preview bits.
- If an embed XML has "HD" in the title, it gets read as an HD stream.
- VideoBBCode construct now pulls in the video title for option values.
- Category Display is now forced on all pages with video preview bits.
- BUG FIX: Rewrote a majority of phrases and templates for better English.
- BUG FIX: PageNav for comments on video_details, now calls up the proper construct.
- BUG FIX: Delete Comment page is now constructed properly for form widths.
- BUG FIX: RSS feeds are now properly sanitized for Internet Explorer and Opera.
- BUG FIX: Fixed true/false 1/0 construction in YouTube embed codes.