Originally Posted by HUMMERh3
Right now when I use post the report via new thread it creates a new thread under a super admins account...which increases his post count. Is there a way to change the username?
Sure thing. If you want to change the reporter to be a different user, go to the reporting options, and change the "Multiple Account Reporter" to the ID number of the user that you want to report everything. If you want to keep the user but just change the username, then you can always edit the user's username within your AdminCP.
Originally Posted by apiasto
ok i enable d the verbose and everything looks fine so far.and now its giving the right info when 2 users login with the same ip.so far so good,thnx 
Oh, that's good to hear!

There shouldn't be any difference in the detection method whether verbose mode is on or not, so maybe the issue was just a fluke.