Problem execute PHP script plug-in ahead of other Vbulletin php code. PLEASE HELP.
Hi everyone,
Upon a customer request, I've created a new plug-in (php script) which based on an ip address, URL forwards people to a different pages of his forum.
(btw. just so you know, upon his instructions, I am unable to use .htaccess mod redirect)
Anyhow, I've referenced this plug-in on a first line of header template and my php script works and does properly redirect visitors, but I experience a very strange behaviour.
Even that my plug-in is a global variable and referenced on a first line of header template, it doesn't execute in a proper sequence, forum always loads first (and completely) and only afterwards person experiences a redirect.
So, how do I execute a php script ahead of any other vbulletin php code?
Please let me know and thanks for your help.