Originally Posted by footose
Thanks for giving it a shot! You're forum looks highly modified, so I'm curious how you are going to determine where the forumid and catid are going to go.
I haven't decided weather or not the "ad sponsor" will stay, as it has been one of the compliants so far to the software. That being said, I do have hosting and development costs to pay for. If it becomes are huge complaint, I will attempt to figure something else out.
Besides charging forums for say a "usage fee" or a "no advertising" fee, I'm not sure where to go on this part ..... yet.
i added it under my main Speed Forum index. My community is quite picky, so i dont know how many of them are willing to sign up on another forum to list their cars. We will see.. i have quite an active forum with at least 130 on at once through any 18 hr period.