Originally Posted by Cybershaolin
Regarding this error, what do I need to remove exactly between the first ; and the last ; ?
OK I know I have to remove the error message but it ends with )}}... so do I remove the whole thing, even after until the other ; ?
Just want to be sure about what to remove...
;function vBulletin_AJAX_Error_Handler(a){alert("Ajax error: an error has occured in an ajax request of the chatbox, please report your admin")}}YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function(){YAHOO.initChatbox=new function(){var a=function(){this.cancel();
Remove :
alert("Ajax error: an error has occured in an ajax request of the chatbox, please report your admin")
Originally Posted by entertain
When clicking on "View all chats of ..." in the menu of a shout (from an other user), I can always only see my own shouts.
Originally Posted by The Realist
Same here.
The code I see is:
Ok to fix this, search in the mgc_cb_evo.php file for :
PHP Code:
if ($vbulletin->GPC['what'] == 'userchats')
Some lines below search for :
PHP Code:
$where_clause = "coidentifier IN (" . implode(',',$identifier_array) . ") AND fromuid='" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] . "'";
Replace it by :
PHP Code:
$where_clause = "coidentifier IN (" . implode(',',$identifier_array) . ") AND fromuid='" . $user['userid'] . "'";
Originally Posted by zelnik
I'm hoping you can help me on this matter but since installing the latest version of your chatbox I've been notice people have been having to following error on while i'm watching the whois online page..
Unknown Location:
can you please confirm this has nothing to do with your application so I can help narrow down what it could be?
There is no config.txt in my mod so I don't think that it comes from the chatbox. Have you been installing another mod lately ?