Originally Posted by Dean C
You were wooing women online before I was conceived 
Just one.

It was a lot safer then.
I remember someone at Compuserve had a camera that digitized your image.
It was a bunch of characters. That was the first digitized pictures.
The thing back then, all girls were 18, blonde and hair and blue eyes.
Imagine that? Saturday night and all the best looking girls online.
It was easy to read between the lines.
A common acronym we would use is MORF?
--------------- Added [DATE]1231116103[/DATE] at [TIME]1231116103[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by Roms
My friend was using long distance phone cards and making up account numbers to connect to BBS's and networks in other states to download games illegally. One day when he got home he had two FBI agents waiting outside his house. They left the computer but took all his disks and the cables to his computer. He had to pay back the calling card company about 10k....
Ahhh? That wasn't a David, was it?
I got the same phone call from a friend of mine. He's in telecommunications now.
--------------- Added [DATE]1231116416[/DATE] at [TIME]1231116416[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by Rapscallion
I got my revenge a while later, though. She was going on about how she really liked the Beastie Boys. "Are their fans still stealing VW logos?" I asked. I had to explain that this had happened over a decade previously.
"You ... you mean they're old?" she gasped.
Beastie Boys. I was working in the music biz and the Beastie Boys were playing at a record exec's daughter's sweet 16 party. I don't think anyone ever heard of them yet.

Wasn't that just a few years ago?