Originally Posted by SnapOff Racing
Hmm is there possibly a piece of code that I could add to my index.php file so that when the user browses to that page the system will reset their cookies causing them to logout? Then along with that piece of code I could specify how long the user is allowed to stay logged in until they get logged out and have to log in agian... For example something like ...
PHP Code:
$countLogout = $_COOKIE["countLogout"];
echo "Cookie's value: " . $countLogout;
if($countLogout == 0)
setcookie("countLogout",1,time()+604800); // save cookie for one week!
$vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'logouthash', TYPE_STR);
The problem with this is that every time a user views the page they will be forcefully logged out again. This is why a second cookie was suggested. You could change the countLogout time to some small period of time to ensure that they expire after a few hours, that way users could still use the forums, they'd just have to relogin every few hours until you're sure everyone has logged out.
If you have access to your whole sever, you could reset its stored sessions, which should log out all users.