Originally Posted by VBDev
Yes I know how to fix it. Just edit the mgc_cb_evo_functions.js file in the clientscript/mgc_cb_evo folder and search for the warning message you users have had.
And remove the whole alert javascript function call in which it's cointained.
Regarding this error, what do I need to remove exactly between the first ; and the last ; ?
OK I know I have to remove the error message but it ends with )}}... so do I remove the whole thing, even after until the other ; ?
Just want to be sure about what to remove...
;function vBulletin_AJAX_Error_Handler(a){alert("Ajax error: an error has occured in an ajax request of the chatbox, please report your admin")}}YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function(){YAHOO.initChatbox=new function(){var a=function(){this.cancel();