Originally Posted by VBDev
I am not sure I did understand you. You mean that when you edit a chat in the chatbox the chatbox then stays in loading state ?
Well I just tested and it's working perfect on my forum (forumcoding.com).
When I set the Permissions of Any Usergroup to just "Can view the chatbox" that Usergroup can see all the Posts.
When I ser the Permissions of Any Userfroup to "Can use the chatbox" then if I maka a Change on any Post, from that Post and the ones Most Recent the Usergroups where I've set the Permissions to "Can use the chatbox" won't be able to see that Changed Post and the ones Most Recent than That One, at least for some time that I have not yet determine; after that time passes (I don't know what process happens internally on the ChatBox) then the Usergroups are Allowed to see the Changed Post and the Recent Ones.
That is in the ChatBox, because on the History/Archive all the Posts are Shown Well.
And as I said if I set only the Permission of "Can view the chatbox" and the Other ones to No (like for Unregistered Users), then that Usergroup can see all the Posts even the One Changed and most Recent Ones than that.
That Behaviour makes me Deduce that is a Bug; I've used Previous Versions of your ChatBox (exactly the 0.2.1 of EVO) and that Error don't Occur.
What Can Be Happening?
My Best Regards.