can anyone tell me how to increase the file size for uploading, i followed the instructions in the post provided using a .htaccess but all that did was give me an Error on every page i went to?
can someone provide any hints or clues as to what i did wrong or what i need to do?
Basically i opened notepad and added the code it said, changed it to 1000 on both lines and then saved it as just .htaccess i then uploaded it to the forums folder where my Download.php is located and it showed as HTaccees.HTACCESS file, but all it did was screw up my board. what did i do wrong?
EDIT: would it be possible to allow users to add a small logo or banner to their downloads so when a user has clicked on a file to view the author/description and the download link, they get to see a picture (so people can screenshot it to show what it looks like etc or to have a logo/icon?