Thank you for your suggestions.
Well, I am a good developer, but I am really not very experienced with vbulletin, its structure and its modifications; could you please point me to which ones I am about to use in this situation, besides the form hack, I will modify them to make them as automated as possible while my goal really is to achieve 100% automation; if not it will be easier for me to develop my own forum (not as classy as vbulletin ofc).
As per your suggestion, do you think it will work like that:
step 1 - product owner submits productA for approval
step 2 - I review it and approve it; once I approve it a username/password is assigned to product owner and same username/password are written to vbulletin database; product data is autofilled in the form hack and thread is created that will be awaiting moderation as you suggested; so far I think that will be easy
step 3 - now product owner comes to my website, logs in, pays the activation fee and once I get the confirmation call from the payment system (PayPal for example) the product gets listed; now what worries me here is how will the product thread auto activate on the forum? Which vbulletin files should I look into for that?
I guess there will be some value that represents the status of the thread - awaiting moderation or active or etc. - where exactly can I find this value in vbulletin? Will it work if it is getting automatically changed after I receive the call from PayPal about successfull payment?
Also - will it be possible to auto-stick threads (for example if product owner pays additional fee) and where can I change that?
Thank you in advance for your suggestions.