Originally Posted by pedroenf
A ChatBox encontra-se no modo inactivo.
Para sair do modo inactivo clique no bot?o "refresh" ou na tecla F5 do seu teclado e actualize toda a p?gina.
Ok then it was the double quotes. These are interpreted as characters you know in javascript and php language.
Originally Posted by inciarco
I've detected a Bug on the Last Version.
When You Edit a Shout all the Most Recent Shouts from the Edited one are not Displayed and the ShoutBox Stays on "Loading" those most Recent Shouts; that don't change even by pressing the "Refresh" Button.
Only Some Minutes Later the ShoutBox decides to Display the Changed Messages and the Newest Ones (from the Changed One).
Is curious because for Unregistered Users (Only the Can See ChatBox Option On), the Changes can be seen immediately.
I Hope you can Detect and Fix that Small Bug.
I liked all the other Improvements, Thank You For Sharing this Great Mod.
My Best Regards.

I am not sure I did understand you. You mean that when you edit a chat in the chatbox the chatbox then stays in loading state ?
Well I just tested and it's working perfect on my forum (forumcoding.com).
Originally Posted by Ranger187
Um. Invisible? You mean it's not there.  Make sure usergroups setting is right. Make sure it's enabled etc.
He meant it was invisible in the arcade if I assume right ?