Speaking as someone who used to deliver pizzas...
I don't tip 20% but usually either round up or throw in a few extra singles if it's something like $19 or $29, etc.
I always made min. wage plus tips. Sometimes I'd do better than the waitresses making $2-3 per hour plus tips and sometimes they'd do better than me. I never got reimbursed for gas although this was back in the cheap gas times of the late 90s.
And yes, I did know exactly which houses tipped better than others. Some I could tell you their exact order without looking at the ticket. One house would always pay with either a $100 bill or all in coin. It was way out in the boonies and the tips were either non-existant or sucked. If you forgot to bring change for a $100, you had to drive all the way back out with their change.
If it was a slow night and I knew that the house wouldn't tip, I took my time. If I knew they tipped well, I took short cuts or ignored speed limits. (I always took note of where/when I saw the town cops) If it was a busy night and I knew the house wouldn't tip, they either got delivered last or I got to them quick just so I could make up the lost money getting back for another delivery which would likely tip better.