Hello Members,
I bought vBulletin 10 days ago. While using i found some errors.
1) Members can't login without www
eg. Login works great -
Members can't login using
2) Plugin Manager page changed
Yesterday i clicked on plugin manager and i found that the page has completely change automatically. First it was different now it is different.
I am posting page screenshot ( Sorry can't provide old page screenshot .. but i am sure you can find out the difference )
Screen shot -
3) Is it possible to hack vBulletin Forum ?
Few days ago i purchased VIP Membership on phpbb forum. There i found some hacking tutorials provided by forum staff members for VIPs!
One of them was How To Hack vBulletin .. I read that article and found that it is very easy to hack nulled vBulletin Board. Then i thought what about licensed ? So just wanted to ask if somebody knows my customer number can they hack my Board ?? or its impossible to hack it ?
And can i remove version details from footer to prevent hackers getting information ?
With warm regards,