Hi, and first of all, all the best wishes for the new year. Secondly, thanks for this mod. It's very useful.
Couple of questions for the author:
1) Would you feel that it is fair if somebody would customize your MOD to suit their needs? I love the idea of cutting back on useless drivel in my forum, but I have a few other ideas with it, rather than just a "thank you" (Think bug tracking. 1 version showing "Me too" to show other users experience the same bug, and another showing "not me" to indicate they do not see the same results). So far, I've been trying to work on replacing text strings in your code, but it's tedious at the best (due to "thanks", "thank", and "thank you" strings being mixed. If you feel me customizing the mod is not appropriate, please let me know).
2) What would you estimate performance impact to be if the mod would be installed numerous times on the same site? If I enable a speciic "flavour" of the mod for a specific subforum (sometimes twice for the same sub forum, as in "good" or" bad", etc), will the code be able to rely on a cached index of the specific subforums a mod applies to, or will say, 10 different uses of the mod each on their specific sub forum lead to 10 extra queries for every post made on the site as a whole?
Very sorry if this has been answered before. I just did not have the time to manually read through all the posts. I tried doing some generic searches, but did not find anything.
EDIT: Two more things.
3) If it's not cached yet, any chances to have that implemented soon? Please do. I'd gladly make it worth your while, financially (within limits, but feel free to PM me with a price quote).
4) One more thing that would really make this useful, and I'm not sure this is supported yet, would be the ability for users to sort threads based on the amount of times a user clicked an option. For instance, referring back to the support section, I'd love to be able to give users the ability to sort the number of times a bug has been registered, in order to find the most commonly logged problems. This, too, could be done as an extra, and paid for).