Originally Posted by MonkYZ
Thanks. I just read it... but i am not sure it's 100% correct. I mean, i just tried yesterday to play with youtube video links with and without "&fmt=22" code. For those who haven't got the HD/HQ version, the normal SD version was playing instead, and not telling me even a single time that "source video can't be found". But i was doing that in browser, maybe DJ's AME can't do that inside the code. Or maybe it needs to do some checkings first. Or at least just do a simple workarround and put a link at the bottom for the HD/HQ version, and whoever will want to see it, click it and be redirrected to youtube...
The problem is not the URL extension, but the source code URL extension.
High Quality: &ap=%2526fmt%3D18
High Definition: &ap=%2526fmt%3D22
That has to be at the end of the video source URL to play either version.
Take Jaxel's video for example. Here's the video source for Standard Def:
Now to get the High Def version of that, you need this:
This was not a problem in the past when they where doing just HQ. I could just put that in the source code and even if there was no HD or HQ version, it would still play the standard def version. This is not the case anymore. Like this video that doesn't have an HD version. Tack the HD code on the end, and you get a thumbnail, but no video content.
And getting a RegEx to match the
&fmt=22 is easy, but since it can't match the standard YouTube definition, you need to make another one. But another def will still try to match the string up to that point, giving you two YouTube vids. I may have to do like you said, and just put a link to the HD versions, but even then, it's not always going to give them and HD video.