Originally Posted by ryans
I'm having the same problem too. I just re-installed it and then uninstalled and the usergroup still has
Help MGC Chatbox Evo : Custom permissions
Can view the chatbox Yes No
Can use the chatbox Yes No
Can manage own chats Yes No
Can manage the chatbox Yes No
Can view the archives Yes No
Can download the archives Yes No
Can view the chatbox even if the minimum number of posts is not reached Yes No
Show prompt message for this usergroup Yes No
Can sticky a chat Yes No
Minimum number of posts to use the chatbox
Minimum number of posts during the last 24H to use the chatbox
Warning : add a sql query for the usergroup where this value is different from 0.
How can I manuallyl get rid of this? I can't edit my usergroups. i'm running 3.70 and used the newest version.
Guys there is a readme... All is explained in it.
You should have removed the files before uninstalling the product !
To correct the problem reimport the product and then remove all chatbox files (especially the xml files in the includes/xml directory) and then remove the product.
Originally Posted by Wheemer
I don't have the bbcode and smilies buttons after upgrading. Also the English translation as french in it.
Since 2.0.2, bbcode and smilies are usergroup permission based. So you have to set the usergroup permissions to allow you having the right to use them hehe.
About English translation, if you imported the last english file everything should be fine, no french except in some of the options but as I always says these are customizable