Originally Posted by mikeinjersey
Does this hack help me change the background colors and such for FlashChat ?
I just downloaded FlashChat for the first time...
And I pretty much hate it so far because of the lack of instructions or ease of use to understand. I have no idea how to change the background colors..
what is this hack going to allow me to do ?
I just support the admincp integration, you will have to ask on the Flashchat forums on how to change the background colours, see below:
Originally Posted by 1st Post
Hack Support - snippet
If you need support, information (how it works, how to install it, errors with installation etc) in regards to FlashChat itself, then you need to ask your questions on the official FlashChat forums - tufat.com.
Originally Posted by mikeinjersey
control admins permissions of flashchat ? Im the only Admin of the forum and I dont want anymore admins. I'll have the Moderators to play around with the Flashchat. Hopefully thats able to be done...
The hack does the below, so yes it will do what you want it to do, as only admins can use the Admin CP:
Originally Posted by 1st Post
What Does This Hack Do? - snippet
This hack allows you to integrate the FlashChat 5 Admin Panel into your vBulletin Admin Control Panel, so all administration is done in one place.
It comes with Administrator Permissions, so you can limit which administrators you want to admin Flashchat via the AdminCP.