Originally Posted by Sadikb
hi... this is a bug with TFSEO when used with vbadvanced. Jeff has promised an update soon fixing this bug let's see, when he updates.
Hi firstly, your www.site.com and www.site.com/forum/ points to same content because there is a redirect in your htaccess file which is redirecting all request from www.site.com/forum/ to www.site.com/ and it's nothing to do with TFSEO. You should have made a directory called forum on your server and put your vbulletin files in that directory.
Secondly about the www issue, check out this post of mine
I am also using TFSEO and i have no duplicate content problem. You can check a working example at my site: Oracle Forums
The site IS IN A DIRECTORY called FORUM!!!
I have removed the htaccess and it still does this with TFseo running. I deleted all code except this
# Rewrite requests for root home page to /forum/index.php
RewriteRule ^$ /forum/index.php [L]
So that people dont get an error when going to my url.
What I was trying to acheive is so that
www.site.com/forum/ 301 redirects to
www.site.com/ thereby meaning I dont have dupe content issue anymore. Alternatively if the other redirects to /forum I would still be very happy!
Any ideas please? Im desperate!!