Originally Posted by indie2industry
How do you get your videos to display like that??? 
I said in a previous post that this customization will be coming in my next version in a few days.
Originally Posted by chikkoo
1) A preview button to view the movies, before pressing the add video button.
2) Edit video to enable editing of the url of the video.
3) Sub-Categories, with categories.
4) Top poster link at the Video Statistics to bring all the videos posted by the user, instead of showing the profile of the poster.
5) ability to import keywords, or add tags.
6) ability to add parameters to hide related video, and other information.
7) Unregistered/Guests can view the categories and other information, but not playing option.
8) Showing Duration of the clips at thread/summary display.
1) I wont be able to help you with that, ask Survivor
2) That cant happen; the APIs draw information from the URL; the URL itself isn't even stored anywhere.
3) I have that in my verison... sort of... its just the level system like in VBA CMPS Nav Module
4) Already done in my version...
5) coming soon sometime this week...
6) doesn't this already exist?
7) not worth the effort for me, to add this.