Originally Posted by Jim O
Unfortunately it does not seem to be working. For non-ARIN related IP's it defaults to the location of the Regional Internet registry such as RIPE or APNIC. So China IP's appear to come from Australia. I had a registration from China today from IP which localizes to Changchun, Jilin, China but the mod (and test.php) saw it as Australia (APNIC headquarters) and let it through.
Not sure why that would be. Maybe a limitation of the whois function.
Originally Posted by vbplusme
APNIC is Asia Pacific, not just Australia, FYI
Your point????
FYI, please read my post slowly, it's quoted here in its entirety for your convenience, and then please show me where I said any such thing.
When I went to school I was taught that China was in fact in Asia, not in Australia, so give me just a bit of credit for knowing that APNIC does not refer to Australia alone.
What I said was: "
For non-ARIN related IP's it defaults to the location of the Regional Internet registry."
Now just where is APNIC located? I'm not talking about the region it serves but where it is actually located (I even used the word "headquarters" in my post). Uhmm... hmmm... let's see. A quick look at
http://www.apnic.net/info/contact/index.html will show they are pysically located in Milton, Brisbane, QLD,
AUSTRALIA So Chinese IP's, and in fact
all APNIC related IP's appear to be from Australia.
For the same reason, all RIPE related IP's appear to come from the Netherlands. Yes, I know there are many countries served by RIPE beside the Netherlands, but it is located in Amsterdam. So if I wanted to exclude Belarus the adaptation of this modification that I wrote would fail because Belarussian IP's appear, to this modification, to be from the Netherlands, just as Chinese IP's appear to be from Australia. I tested this with multiple IP's from multiple countries for both RIPE and APNIC and the results were 100% consistent.
Now have I made myself clear enough so you won't feel the need to make another drive by off topic comment?