Originally Posted by yakuza35
when I used cmps product I get error right column going center column can u look at the pic pls and how can I fix this problem
hi... this is a bug with TFSEO when used with vbadvanced. Jeff has promised an update soon fixing this bug let's see, when he updates.
Originally Posted by anderow
Hi firstly, your
www.site.com and
www.site.com/forum/ points to same content because there is a redirect in your htaccess file which is redirecting all request from
www.site.com/forum/ to
www.site.com/ and it's nothing to do with TFSEO. You should have made a directory called
forum on your server and put your vbulletin files in that directory.
Secondly about the
www issue, check out this post of mine
I am also using TFSEO and i have no duplicate content problem. You can check a working example at my site:
Oracle Forums