Hi Nexialys, Happy New Year Mate
I know its more of an expresso thing, but it gives me the choice of what type of coffee to have.
I can have a strong expresso shot of rich, full bodied dark coffee with a silky layer of crema. The rich hazelnut brown crema is an indication of quality freshly ground beans. or i can make ....
Latte - a standard Espresso with hot milk topped by a small layer of silky milk foam. Usually served in a glass.
Cappuccino - a standard Espresso with silky foamed milk poured into it, topped with a dusting of chocolate powder.
Loads of different types all from one source
Here's my recipe for the perfect Cappuccino
1/2 coffee cup of water
2-3 level tbsp freshly ground coffee
1 1/2 coffee cups of skimmed milk
chocolate powder, to garnish
Pour the water into the base of the stove-top espresso maker.
Then pack the freshly ground coffee into the filter.
Screw on the top and place on the hob over a medium heat.
While the espresso is brewing, heat the milk to just below boiling point.
Skimmed milk is the best to use as it holds its froth for longer because of the lower fat content.
Once the milk is hot, froth the milk. Place the milk in a largecafeti?re and pump the plunger 10-15 times until you have plenty of froth - approximately half froth and half milk.
Pour the espresso into warm cups, then, using a large spoon to hold back the froth, pour the milk into the cups.
Top with the froth, leaving a visible brown rim around the edge for an authentic look.
Sprinkle with the chocolate.
The best cappuccino should be one third espresso, one third milk and one third froth.