I got this mod installed as well some others for flashchat, all of them are working just fine
I got some questions regarding to idle users on my Vb board, the thing is that
if user stays in flashchat bit longer than board idle time he got logged off, but he is still using flashchat
In who is on chat modification he is there, on Vb-who is online he is shown off so I got discrepancy here
Once I got 10 users on chat and just 2 online on Vbulletin forums
Not a big deal but it kinda bugs me, any pointers to this Paul ?
I posted on Tufats forum, they kinda pointed at you regarding to this...
Is there any chance that we can use in some way tufats flashchat as messanger
Lets say one user sends invitation to other user (they are online), if another user accept invitation at some point they both got automatically are transfered to flashchat where private message window opens.....
I would be willing to donate, as meny others I think
If this is possible, but its kinda too much work, maybe we can open one thread and who is interested to donate he will got modification.....just and idea !?
Thanks for your time