Originally Posted by goxy63
Was wondering why this simple code didnt work out for me, the thing is that linked external mp3 cuz I was thinking ..... but this mod only supports internal mp3 files
Does anyone know how to modify this code for external, or is there any othe mode for mp3 similar to this one ? (for external linx of course)
Thanks a lot for any pointers
Ok, so you read the part about hard coding into your site and you do not want to use it as a bb code or?
Here's the breakdown...
It up as a simple bb code now per the instructions above. You can use this yourself after entering in the custom bb code via admincp by placing the songs url location INCLUDING the .mp3 extension in between the [mp3]
http://www.thesitesnamethesongison.com/songname.mp3[/mp3] and it will play!
IF you want to hard code it you have to take the code back to it's roots i.e. remove the {param} and place the url of the song there, example:
BB Code Replacement:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
data="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" width="200" height="20" />
<param name="movie" value="player_mp3.swf?mp3={param}" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
For use if hard-coding into forums/templates etc:
Also, remember to upload the player swf file to your forum root and you should be done
If you were actually trying it as a bb code then delete what you have and read the above carefully and try again, it will work
