Originally Posted by ZATSU
Ok, forgive me if this has been covered already. I searched for 'merge' in this thread and I am not understanding the process.
I have this mod installed on my site and it seems to be working fine. However, I need to know the exact procedure to merge my existing users.
I assume when merge user is mentioned, that you mean to:
1) Have the user login using facbook connect and let facebook connect create a new user.
2) Use the AdminCP function under Users > Merge User to merge that user to their facebook user created by facebook connect.
My main question is, if I want my user to maintain their user ID, will setting the Source user as the Facebook user and the destination user as the existing user work?
Or do I not have the procedure right? if not, can you explain in detail the procedure or point me to the post that describes this procedure?
Thank you
You don't have to do anything. Have the users click Connect with FaceBook and when they're asked what screename they'd like to use, they'll be given the option to use their existing account.