Great Improvements Cybernetec!! :up:
I Liked a lot the one of the "New Play Mode: One banner per refresh", is very useful to save resources and get the objective of displaying different Rotated Banners on the Forum.
Is there a Chance for you to Include a Confirmation Step on the Delete Process of the Banners? (Imagine if you select all (or some) the Banners and try to select the "Mark as Inactive" option but instead you select by accident the "Delete" Option and then the "Go" Button... Without the Confirmation Step All the Banners will be Deleted...)
I'm suggesting the Confirmation Step for Deleting Banners because some time ago I accidentally deleted some banners because I made the mistake of selecting "Delete" instead of "Mark as Inactive"...
I hope you can provide that Functionallity in your next Update of this Great Mod.
I Like a lot your Mods You're a Great Coder... Thank You Very Much For Sharing This Great Mods. :up::up::up:
My Best Regards.