Originally Posted by sweede
Read the mod description again, specificly the very end.
Thanks for the info, sorry I missed that, all look well except at the very top I still get this code
[char="Archimonde"] Hanardarer [/char], Orc Shaman
Looked over the instructions again and didnt see how to fix this. Thanks again for the help.
And yes I installed your other mod, the WoW Character BBCode
Ok, well it seems I might have some insight into my problem, capital letters could be it?
Here is the example: For the original post -
[char="archimonde"] bobetx [/char], Undead Warlock = Works fine
[char="Archimonde"] Bobetx [/char], Undead Warlock = Does NOT work
Once I manually edit a post and kick it to lower case, then I can edit it to all caps etc and things work as intended, but it seems on the original post it has to be lower case to work, I cant even begin to explain why this might be.